Funny Quotes about School

It is safe to say that everyone of us has a distinct memory of their school years, whether you were the star quarterback of your football team or the loser that got his pants "wedgied", these are moments that you will never forget. One skill that you can develop to make your high school days much more enjoyable, is to learn a good set of high school quotes and sayings. If you're wondering how quotes and sayings in school can be pretty important, check out the top 5 reasons below:

1) Year book quotes are definitely one of the most important decisions you have to make as a young teenager. If you choose something too corny and emotional, then your friends make fun of you. If you choose something too crazy, then your parents question you. In the end it's a very fine balance to pick the right quote.

2)School reunions must be among the most nerve wracking experiences possible to man. Many years have passed since your high school days, you still remember something about each of your classmates, and trying to reconnect with them can be downright awkward. This is when a great high school reunion can come and break the ice.

3) Quotes in high school are also very important in terms of studies. Many essays and exam questions can be boosted by a well positioned and relevant quote or saying. While it is difficult to memorize a lot of quotes and sayings in high school, it really doesn't hurt to have a couple in the back of your mind.

4) School is a place filled with irrational and mean kids. There are bullies, there are those who want to embarrass you and those who just want to hurt you. Your best ammunition for these horrible times is being prepared to psychologically out muscle your bigger opponent. If you are able to provide a funny quote, or comeback when someone is picking on you, they might feel threatened and decide to leave you alone.

5) Girls in junior high can be impressed by the most little things. One of the skills that can help you with your game is being a smooth talker and someone that can make them laugh. You would be surprised just how far a funny or cute quote can get you with a girl if you play your cards right.

So in summary, we can see just how important quotes in high school can actually be. It can help you in your studies, it can help you avoid fights, it can help you get girls, it can help break the ice in high school reunions, and it can make you have fond memories with some solid yearbook quotes.

Funny Quotes about Work

Managing your stress with quotes is possible and in fact, it is easier than you might have thought. The simple thing for you to do is to just search for a few of the websites offering these quotes and spend around 10 minutes each day reading quotes that can make you laugh. You would find quotes on almost every category and subject that you can think of. If you feel pressurized at work and are really tensed, read a few of the office quotes and you would instantly start seeing things in a lighter way and would feel more refreshed. If there are problems with your spouse, read a few quotes on men, women or relationships and you would definitely be smiling.

A little humor can help 
Since our lives today are so stressful, it seems that everyone is facing a few problems. People are stressed since they don't have anything to do, they are stressed since they don't have the time to do anything, they are stressed when they don't have a job and even stressed when they have a lot of work to do at their office. Stress is a part of our lives but you can forget about it momentarily and let these quotes tickle your funny bone. Laugh as much as you can each day and you would definitely feel yourself handling your stress better. If you want to live life the best way you can and enjoy it too, then the best thing to do is to enjoy the funny part of life.

These funny quotes would teach you to handle life with a little smile on your face. They would remind you that you should not take everything so seriously. People understand humor better than words and when words fail to describe what you feel, a good quote can sum it all up in a few words. At parties, you can break the ice and make people warm up to each other with a little dose of laughter.

Learn a few quotes and use them in your day to day life. This would be the best way to keep yourself entertained whenever you feel sad or tensed and even others when you are with people you care about. Maintain your own book of quotes collection and use it as often as possible to smile and make others laugh. When you are at a social gathering the next time, use these quotes to make everyone else laugh and you would instantly be more popular than ever and the others at the party would be in a lighter mood.

Funny Quotes about Me

Humor finds its presence in all spheres of life. It is amusing to realize that many people see the lighter side of things however the situation gets serious and complicated. Celebrities, politicians, icons, and other famous people find their way to our humor through funny quotes that are attributed to them.

Sometimes, the truth hurts. But you could take it lightly and in a funny way by carefully pondering on other people's opinions and translation about situations. You could easily discern that most funny quotes appeal not only to our humorous senses but more effectively to our perception about life. This way, our burden is somehow made lighter, giving us more strength and appropriate disposition to cope with life no matter how serious it could get.

Through the years, funny quotes have been compiling from all walks of life. It could be interesting to note that you could easily group and categorize such quotes for faster and more organized retrieval. Are you experiencing a serious situation in life? Find comic relief that would bring about little doses of smiles into your heart through the following funny quotes from famous people. Let them serve as light-weight but effective inspiration.

Funny Quotes about Life

Whenever I am in the dumps, one way of cheering myself up is reading comic books. It helps a lot when I can get a good laugh from the books I read. I also love watching comedy TV shows and what makes these comic books and TV shows memorable is the punch lines and quotable quotes. It may seem to be trivial at first but once you dig deeper into them, or you ponder on them, you'll know that they do make sense. I have compiled a couple of funny quotes about life which I have learned lessons from, one way or the other.

"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win you're still a rat. " Lilly Tomlin

This has been one of my favorite funny quotes of all time. It is downright straight forward yet it speaks what really is happening in today's society - rat race!! Funny as it may seem but there's truth in it. We have been working from sun up to sun down, compete against each other but then at the end of the day in spite of it all nothing seem to be working. Nothing seems to be improving. You're still a rat stuck in a routine that you can't get out of.

"The cost of living's going up, and the chance of livin's going down." Flip Wilson

This is presumably a very timely notion as employment is decreasing and mortality rate is increasing. It is indeed a sad fact yet it still holds true. The only way that we can survive is looking at the brighter side of things.

"In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular." Kathleen Norris

I used to tell myself that death is not what I am afraid of but life itself. I have been so depressed lately that sometimes it makes me wonder why I have to live life. Indeed living life is so good in spite of its ups and downs. There's more to life than pain and suffering. That's what catapults life into the stars!!!

"Life is not a static thing. The only people who do not change their minds are incompetents in asylums, and those in cemeteries." Everett McKinley Dirksen

I am fickle-minded. I change my mind at the same rate I change my clothes. I thought I was too hasty in making decisions, acted purely on impulse but I came to realize that I have to change my mind from time to time because I have just gotten myself a life!

These are just a few funny quotes about life that I want to share. These constantly remind me that every cloud has a silver lining. I have my own funny quote too. Life is served hot or cold, for free not sold. Sour, salty, bitter or sweet, so come and get it!!

Funny Quotes about Relationship

Laughter is perhaps one of the most important and necessary ingredients of a happy and fulfilling life. It is a free medicine that keeps you away from all other medicines. It keeps you fit and healthy, physically and mentally.

One of the best ways to keep your laughter motor running smoothly is funny life quotes. There are various different ways of using funny life quotes and here are few ideas that you may find very useful.

Use them as a Tattoo - If you love having a Tattoo on your body, then you might consider putting funny life quotes on your body as a tattoo. You never run out of option as there are countless numbers of funny quotes about life available for you to choose from. In fact, today it is the trend of putting funny and humorous quotes on body. So go ahead, find out some funny quotes on life that represent your inner self and tattoo them on your body.

Use them in your college scrapbook - Another great way to use them is to put them in your college scrapbook. If you have elaborated your college scrapbook with all those funny college pictures of your friends, then adding Funny Life Quotes in it is like Ice on the cake. Adding a funny quote below your picture can make your college scrapbook look more beautiful and expressive. So pick a few quotes and use them in your scrapbook and make it more expressive.

Use them in your online profile - You can use them in your profile in social networking websites. It is your profile that decides other people's opinion about you. So your profile should be impressive and expressive. It should be something that represents your true personality. Using a funny Life Quotes in your social networking websites profile will make you come across as a very humorous, full of life and friendly person.

Use them on a birthday card - Another great option to consider if you want to use Funny Life Quotes is to add them on birthday card you sent to your friends on their birthday. It's a great way to add a touch of fun and humor to your birthday card that will certainly bring smile on the face of person you are sending card to. So next time, whenever you send out a card to your near and dear ones, don't forget to include a good funny quote.

Read them with your friends and family -It's a great fun and enjoyment to read them sitting with your friends and family. It makes you laugh out loud and at the same time it strong those precious bonds. So next time whenever you are together with your friends or family, consider opening a good website or taking a book containing humorous quotes about life. You'll all really enjoy.